A self-developed website maintenance system; Content Management System (CMS) - Globaladmin - enables users quick and efficient set up of the new content and modification of the existing content at the website. Any user with basic computer skills using Globaladmin can completely overcome the content change process without using additional tools (HTML editor, FTP client ...) and knowledge of programming languages (ASP, PHP ...).

Unlimited number of categories and pages
Multi-user work
Link validity check
History of changes
Globaladmin is a Web Content Management System (CMS). It enables quick and efficient set up of the new content and modification of the existing content at the website. Any user with basic computer skills using GlobalAdmin can completely overcome the content change process without using additional tools (HTML editor, FTP client ...) and knowledge of programming languages (ASP, PHP ...).
Working with Globaladmin is very easy, simple and done through a website. Just click at GlobalAdmin's website, authorize your username and password and start working!
Simplicity of site performance allows users of all profiles to learn quickly how to work in this web application, which is also contributed by its resemblance to other well-known office software tools. We organise free trainings and educations for Globaladmin system and provide support at any time, enabling immediate resolution of any ambiguities or problems the user may encounter.
Globaladmin is a Web Content Management System (CMS) which enables quick and efficient set up of the new content and modifing the existing one for any user with basic computer skills.
Each registered Globaladmin system user receives free training for the use of this application and our support at any time, enabling immediate resolution of any ambiguities or problems that the user may encounter.
Each registered Globaladmin system user receives free training for the use of this application and our support at any time, enabling immediate resolution of any ambiguities or problems that the user may encounter.
- very easy and simple to work with through the web interface
- supports the Microsoft platform (ASP.NET and MS-SQL databases)
- supports any other operating system that supports Java and MySQL technology
- hardware platform is made up of several web servers of exceptional strength and speed
- ability to work fast and efficiently when there are several users online at the same time
- speed, reliability and simplicity
Although designed as an unique Web Content Management suite, Globaladmin is easily linked to external program entities and thus creates a very powerful application for the website. At client's request, Globaladmin can be linked to existing or new databases, in which way it creates an interactive data-encoding environment.
- Search
- a search engine can search for terms that appear within any page created in the Globaladmin system and return search results as desired by a user
- Site map
- hierarchic representation of the website structure is created automatically
- any changes made to the structure of pages in the Globaladmin system are currently visible in the Map of the web
- Automatic news archive
- defining the activity time of the page or the moment page is no longer visible
- creating automatic archive with news (with or without information of actualisation on the website and moving to the archive)
Content Management System and web content update